How far along: 32 weeks and 1 day
Size of baby: He weighed 3 pounds 15 ounces at an ultrasound today. He is roughly the size of a squash
How I'm feeling: I have to say I feel pretty good. The only hiccup I've encountered so far was being diagnosed with gestational diabetes. But my endocrinologist seems to think it may have been a false positive since my blood sugar has been great every since my glucose testing. I have to check my blood sugar around 3 times a day after meals and the needle prick stings a little but it isn't so bad. Other than that the only other discomforts are round ligament pain where my pelvic muscles are stretching to widen my hips and of course having a bigger belly is making getting up from bed or chairs a little more difficult. But feeling good and getting really excited to know he will be here soon.
Highlights this week: Beau and I went to our first childbirth class this past Tuesday. We didn't learn too much at the first class besides some relaxation techniques and sharing thoughts and feelings. The nurse asked everyone to share their favorite parts of being pregnant. Beau's response was that he could use me being pregnant as an excuse to get out of things ex: " Sorry I can't help you with that I have a pregnant wife at home." Everyone laughed though and I guess it wasn't as bad as another guy's response where he said his wife was sending him to Burger King 6-7 times a day for a Whopper and that his entire paycheck was being spent on hamburgers and he was getting fed up with it. We have 4 more classes to go, can't wait to see what happens next week!