Size of baby: Butternut squash
Developmental milestones:
- hearing is fully developed, and he responds best to high-pitched noises
- he'll put on a pound or more of baby fat before birth.
How I'm feeling: Definitely more tired since my trips to the bathroom at night have increased the bigger that he gets. Started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions for the first time last Thursday. Not painful but just uncomfortable feeling of tightening around the belly. He is still very active, loves kicking me in the ribs ;-)
Highlights this week: I had my 36 week appointment today and now I am officially going to my doctor every week ( I am 35 weeks and 5 days so they count me as 36 ). He is measuring right on schedule and is doing very well. I am always worried about his weight since being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes but because I was right past the borderline for it and I have been testing my sugars constantly and keeping an eye on what I eat he hasn't been affected at all by it.
The biggest news is that we sold our townhouse!! We have to be out by May 14 which is soon but we got a great offer and luckily we have the condo above Beau's office to move into while work is being done on the new house. I will be busy packing boxes all this week and weekend while Beau is recovering from having his wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday. Wish him luck on his surgery!