Size of baby: Honeydew
- He's keeping his eyes open while awake.
- He's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
- His bones are hardening.
- And he is going through more major brain development
How I am feeling: The round ligament/pelvis/sciatica pain is getting more intense as he gets bigger and puts more pressure on my lower body. It is making sleeping through the night more uncomfortable, that mixed with the 20 trips to the bathroom. My poor bladder is being squeezed to within an inch of its life. But they say that it is Mother Nature's way of preparing you for sleepless nights once he actually arrives. I'm starting to feel very prepared haha.
Highlights this week: We had our second childbirth class and I think I only see us going to one more. We did a 30 minute relaxation segment where the nurse had us imagining a garden and a babbling brook and sunshine. I know I lost Beau on the class right then but I had to agree that the "imagine you are in a meadow " was a bit much. Next week's class is the maternity center tour which I am excited about because we get to see a room and get to know what we should pack, where to register when we arrive and what a typical stay involves. I have also signed us up for a one time "baby care basics" class next week which I know will be useful- how to change a diaper, how to burp, what to do if he gets sick etc. Between that, the breastfeeding class I am also taking, and the books I have at home with the workbook the class has given us I think we will be as prepared as we are ever going to be. So now I am going to try and relax a little and enjoy my last few weeks of being pregnant :-)
Kate, I have had a lot of lower back and hip pain with this baby too. A few things that have helped me - sitting on an exercise ball. Also, I got a maternity support belt to wear around the house when I'm doing things on my feet. This has helped so much! Also, when I sleep I have one pillow supporting my stomach, one behind my back, and a big one between my knees - make sure it also keeps your ankles separated - I found that if my ankles touched, it threw my hips out of alignment and I'd be in a lot of pain. Anyway, hope some of this helps!