Size of baby: Watermelon
Developmental Milestones:
- He's practicing some skills: inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking.How I'm feeling: I am starting to get really excited and nervous at the same time. I have all the basics/stuff I need for him so I feel prepared in that way but wonder if I will be able to keep up a newborn living thing once I take him home. I've read a million websites and lots of books and it is very overwhelming so my plan now is to just love him with all my heart, pray a lot, and try to go with the flow. And if that doesn't work then I'm going to call every relative within a 300 mile radius to come help :-)
Highlights this week: Had a doctor appointment yesterday. Baby boy is doing great, measuring perfectly and has a great heartbeat. He has not dropped yet and his legs are sort of stuck under my ribs. In order to measure him they had to lean the chair back so far that my head was lower than my body so they could find his feet to get his length. My blood pressure was a little elevated due to stress. Just because I am moving in 10 days and having a baby in 3 weeks they think I'm stressed ? ;-) All I had to do was lie on my left side and my blood pressure came down within minutes. I'm not sure how or why that works but during your whole pregnancy they tell you to sleep on your left side. So I was told to try to take it easy these last few weeks and rest on my left side throughout the day. Easier said than done but I am going to try.
In other news Baby Dart is going to have a cousin this Thursday!! Beau's brother Matt and his wife Miller will welcome a baby girl by C-section this Thursday afternoon. I am going to post her picture as soon as I get one. I am so happy there will be 4 cousins so close in age and really hope they grow up to be close friends. We are so excited for them and can't wait to see them when they come visit during July 4th. I already have secret plans to get a picture of all the cousins lined up and wearing matching Dr. Seuss Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing, and Thing 4 shirts- how cute will that be? Congratulations Matt, Miller and big brother Will!
Aw, you look so great, Kate! I wish I could be there right now... SO looking forward to meeting the new little guy :D :D :D