Friday, June 22, 2012


We haven't been up to anything too exciting but here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks...

Some pictures from photo shoot...

Our Taco Tuesday group...

His first bath!

 Father's Day

First stroller ride...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

2 weeks and photo shoot

We've made it to 2 and a half weeks already. I can't believe how fast the time goes. Beau already weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces at his doctor's visit on Tuesday and I'm sure he weighs even more now since he is such a good eater.

Tita ( my mom Michelle- Tita is the Spanish nickname for grandmother) left us on Tuesday so we've been on our own for awhile. We haven't done anything too exciting since then though. We went to church and lunch today again and he did great. Most exciting part of the weekend was Beau's professional photo shoot yesterday. It took him awhile to fall asleep at the studio but once he did the photographer was moving him into all kinds of positions and dressing him in different props. I can't wait to share the photos, they are going to be amazing. I took a pic of him being photographed and we have a close-up of his final shot. He is already a supermodel :-)

Being photographed in his birthday suit

Beau in a basket

Photo I took on my phone of him sleeping

Monday, June 4, 2012

1 Week Old

He is technically 12 days old today. We have had some exciting firsts this weekend. Beau went to his first restaurant on Saturday and did so well. Then we took him to church and lunch at the King and Prince and he slept the whole time. We have been so blessed with such an amazing baby who has been so easy. He only cries when he gets his diaper changed or he makes little grunting noises when he has gas or needs to be fed. He already is on a pretty regular feeding schedule where he eats every 2.5 to 3 hours. We started to try to get him to know the difference between night and day so at night around 7:30 or 8 we turn off the lights, put on the white noise maker, wrap him in his night time sleep sack and put him down in his bassinet. During the day we feed him out in the living room with TV on, people talking, and lay him in his swing. He has done so incredibly well, I obviously think he must be the world's most perfect baby :-)

He had his first doctor's appointment last Tuesday and he already had gained back the 3 ounces he lost after birth. He was back at his birth weight of 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. He is in 75% for height and 25% for weight- long and lean. Hopefully he won't be as vertically challenged as me. We have our 2 week check up this Wednesday and I am really interested to see if he has gained more weight.

Saturday we went to the new house after lunch and had a photo shoot by the marsh. Thank you Aunt Laura for the cute lobster outfit he is wearing.

Aunt Casey and Uncle Eric came by to introduce Cousin Otto to Beau. Otto wasn't too interested in him but we managed to get a few seconds where he looked at him.

Looking so sweet in his swing.

Little Beau wants to say congratulations to Laura and Andrew on their engagement last weekend!!! My maid of honor /best friend and her boyfriend of 4 years finally got engaged Memorial Day weekend at Andrew's lake house on Lake Hartwell. Both of their families were there to celebrate. We are so happy for them!!

We also want to say good luck to Aunt Ginny who just went to the Maldives for 2 months to become a surf school instructor for the Four Seasons resort. This is a dream opportunity for her and we cannot wait to see pictures and hear all about it. We love you and wish you an amazing time.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Welcome Baby Beau!

Sorry this has been so long in the making....who knew having a newborn takes up every minute of your time?

So last time I posted was the day before our scheduled induction. My mom had come into town last Monday and we had been getting the condo cleaned up and ready. We spent Tuesday going to lunch, getting last minute things at Target, and then had our weekly Taco Tuesday dinner at Casey and Eric's house. We had started a betting pool a month earlier at a Taco Tuesday on when Matt and Miller would have their baby girl. Since no one guessed the right birth date the pool went to guessing our due date- the person who guessed the closest to the date without going over won. That Tuesday we joked at how Bill Brown- a Dart cousin who joins us every week- was going to be a rich man because we had been told we had to be induced and he guessed the day after the induction (24th) which is when the doctor said the baby would be born. So we all went home that night ready to sleep in for the last time and have a leisurely day getting ready before heading to the hospital at 3:30 pm.

Well......I woke up at 12:15 in the morning to my water breaking. We do some last minute packing and get to the hospital around 1 am. After settling into our room I get checked and find out I am already 6 centimeters dilated! So we decide to go ahead and get the epidural done since my contractions had started and the nurse had gone to page my doctor. Once I had my epidural they started me on Pitocin  around 3:15 to make sure my progress didn't stall. I was feeling really good so we decided to get a nap in before I got to 10 centimeters. At 5:45 I was checked again and was 10 cm dilated ready to go. The nurse had another girl ready to deliver in another room and asked if we wanted to have the other woman go ahead and deliver first or us. I decided I wanted to wait so I could freshen up and look not completely dead in pictures.

Mom brushing my hair right before all the excitement

I had an amazing labor and delivery experience. It was fast and easy and at 6:36 am Donald Adams Robarts Dart II was born!! He weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces, 20 inches long and absolutely perfect. We are so blessed to have baby Beau home and we are so happy.

Going home- baby's first car ride

Finally home!
Grandmama and Beau
Beau and Tita

Daddy and Beau video chatting with Uncle Matt and Cousins Will and Liza


With Papa
Papa and Aunt Haley came to see us

Snuggling with Daddy

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

40 Weeks and Induction

We made it to full term! We go in tomorrow at 3:30 pm to be induced and look forward to Baby Dart joining us on May 24. Please keep me, Beau and the baby in your prayers. Will be posting plenty of pictures once we return home and things settle down. I cannot believe he will finally be in our arms in less than 48 hours.

Until then, the last picture of pregnant Kate....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

39 Weeks

Size of baby: Watermelon

Developmental milestones: 
  • He's probably able to flex his limbs now.
  • His brain is still rapidly developing
  • His nails may extend past his fingertips  

How I'm feeling:  There was a definite point that I crossed where I am no longer nervous or anxious about him coming, I am 100% ready to meet him today. The big bump, getting up every 2 hours for the bathroom, aches, etc. have lost their appeal and I am ready to begin the mommy adventure.

Highlights of the week: I had my 39 week doctor's appointment yesterday. He is measuring perfectly to the day, with a great strong heartbeat. I had her do an internal exam and the baby has definitely dropped. He was so low in my pelvis that she said she could feel where the top of his head is. He is at a +1 station. For some perspective a +5 station is the moment when a baby is being delivered. She also told me that she will not let me go beyond my due date so if he does not come on his own by the 23, I will go in to be induced Wednesday afternoon and he will be born May 24! It's so exciting to know there is an end date and in a week or less he will finally be here!

Other things going on this week:

- We closed on our new house. Now remodeling can begin. Hopefully we can get construction underway in a few weeks.

- Casey and Beau joined a USTA doubles league and had their first game yesterday. Unfortunately they lost but they looked great and now that they have gotten a loss out of the way the rest will be all wins.

- I wanted to say good luck to all my family competing in the Warrior Dash this weekend in North Georgia! It is a crazy race where runners dress up and have to go over obstacles and at the end everyone celebrates with beer and turkey legs- Viking style. Hope they have a great time and cant wait to see the pictures. Below is a picture I found online of what the race looks like.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Just wanted to share the news that we officially sold our townhouse! I was up cleaning out the house until the last minute but we got it done and it feels great to have it past us now. We close on our new house this Wednesday too!

Yesterday at 6 pm....


This morning at 9 am, all cleaned and ready for its new Yankee owners

And for those who have not seen our new house, here is a pic of the marsh view.....

I also wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to my Mom, Jenelle, Mimi, Mrs. Dart, Miller, Casey, Aunt Lou, and Rhonda ( my godmother-in-law). Hope everyone had a great Sunday and know that Beau, Baby Dart, and I are thinking of you and love you.

Side note: Matt Kuchar, Georgia Tech grad and Saint Simons resident, won TPC yesterday! Go Jackets!